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Select from the following table of contents to jump to a specific area within this README file. This is a HTML version of the README file distributed with Countdown.
Countdown | Version 1.21 |
Copyright 1996-2002 Matt Wright | mattw@scriptarchive.com |
Created 09/01/95 | Last Modified 10/08/95 |
Matt's Script Archive, Inc.: | http://www.scriptarchive.com/ |
If you run into any problems while trying to configure this scripts, help is available. The steps you should take to get the fastest results, are: 1) Read this file thoroughly.
2) Consult the Matt's Script Archive Frequently Asked Questions:
3) If you are still having difficulty installing this script,
you may wish to look at the resources listed here:
Hopefully that will be able to help you solve your problems. Due to time
constraints I can no longer offer technical support for this code. |
COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Copyright 1995 - 2002 Matthew M. Wright All Rights Reserved.
Countdown may be used and modified free of charge by anyone so long as this
copyright notice and the comments above remain intact. By using this
code you agree to indemnify Matthew M. Wright from any liability that
might arise from its use.
Selling the code for this program without prior written consent is
expressly forbidden. In other words, please ask first before you try and
make money off of my program.
Obtain permission before redistributing this software over the Internet or
in any other medium. In all cases copyright and header must remain intact. |
The Countdown script is a somewhat simple script, which takes the time you give it and tells you the number of years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds until that event will occur. More details on how to use this script are below.
This script comes with 3 different files:
1. countdown.pl - The Perl script which does the calculation of the time until an event will occur.
2. README - The file that does all the explaining.
3. countdown.html - An example of ways to incorporate countdown.pl and use it properly.
You will have to do some minimal configuration of the countdown.pl file.
The countdown.pl file is the main file in this package. This file needs to be placed in the server's cgi-bin or have its name changed to countdown.cgi. Keep in mind the latter option only works should your server be set up to treat all .cgi files in a script manner. If you are not sure about this, consult your system administrator. Inside the countdown.pl file you can do one of two things:
1. If you plan to just call the same date every time from this script, change the @from_date variable to the date you want it to countdown to. This can include all the way up to seconds. The format for this should look like:
@from_date = (yyyy,mm,dd,hh,mm,ss);
yyyy - The Year in Four Digits.
mm - The first mm is the month number from 1-12.
dd - The Day of the month. Values range from 1-31.
hh - The hour of the day. Values range from 0-23.
mm - The second mm is the minute of the hour from 0-59.
ss - The ss stands for seconds and the value can range from 0-59.
If you plan to call different dates via a html page, you don't have to worry about setting any variables inside the script.
At any rate you will probably want to edit the subroutines &html_header and &html_trailer, to customize it for your wants/needs.
- If you have defined the @from_date in the countdown.pl file and you wish to only call the same value each time, you can simply do the following:
<a href="http://your.server/cgi-bin/countdown.pl">Countdown ...</a>
When the user clicks on this they will be taken to a cgi generated page that tells them the countdown status.
- Should you want to use this counter for various countdown you can also call
a specific date directly from the link, in the same fashion as you would
have defined @from_date. (See Above for info on how to define @from_date.)
Let's say I want to countdown to my birthday in 1996. My birthday is
April 15: 4/15, so I would do something like:
<a href="http://host.com/cgi-bin/countdown.pl?1996,4,15,0,0,0">
Countdown to my birthday!</a>
- Allow users to countdown to their own dates! If you want to do this you
would use the following syntax
<FORM METHOD=GET ACTION="http://host.com/cgi-bin/countdown.pl">
Then when the user types in his/her query the program will generate an
automatic response. Make sure to let your users and yourself know that
the format for the query must match the exact same definition as @from_date.
(See Above for info on how to define @form_date.)
In Some situations it may be impractical to count out to seconds. Or maybe if
you are counting down to something closer than year, you will want to leave
out the year portion of the countdown since it is only going to be 0 all the
tie anyways. Or maybe the same goes for month, day, etc... Countdown has a
built in feature to allow you to do this. Instead of defining all categories
in @from_date you can do the following:
- Say I want to leave out the year in the countdown to my birthday (From the
example above.) I could also do this:
<a href="http://host.com/cgi-bin/countdown.pl?XX,4,15,0,0,0">
Countdown to my birthday!</a>
When the user gets the returned html document, the # of years will not be
shown. You can put an 'XX' in any of the fields (year, month, day, hour,
minute, second) and it will disregard that amount of time.
- You can also define the same way inside of the countdown.pl. If you are
using a standard countdown, meaning that you see no need for multiple
countdowns, you can set your @from_date in your Perl script to reflect this
(This concept is also mentioned above). You can substitute in 'XX' for any
amount of time you don't want. (Be it year, month, day, hour, minute, or
- Will not return a negative value. Often times you would see a negative
number of hours. Instead, when countdown comes across a negative value, it
simply adds the correct number (12 for months, appropriate number for days,
24 for hours, 60 for minutes and seconds). It then subtracts one from the
next highest category so that your time comes out perfect, and all in
positive time. Years will appear in negative time, because if you are that
far behind, you're messed up! :)
- Calculates number of days in each month,and recognizes leap years to!
- Notices the difference between 1 hour and 2 hours. So that you get proper
English instead of 1 hours. Works the same for other units.
Version 1.0 09/01/95 | - Script Created. |
Version 1.1 09/03/95 | - Improved the script based on suggestions by Scott Lipcon:
- Added an extra 0 to the seconds and minutes if the times were less than ten, so the clock came out looking like 5:00:00 instead of 5:0:0
- Changed the '.' in the time to a ':' between seconds and minutes so that clock looks like: '5:00:00' instead of '5:00.00'
- Corrected the leap year system, so that it will get leap years correct.
- Commented the file better.
- Edited the README file slightly. |
Version 1.2 09/08/95 | - Several bugs fixed based on the obersvations by Elton Taupin.
- Bug fixed that caused current date to be screwed up when the time was < 10 minutes. The problem had something to do with a misplaced colon.
- Fixed a bug in the countdown portion of the script, which caused an extra date to be displayed on the countdown on certain instances. It was a case of subtracting from $month, instead of $real_month. |
Version 1.21 | - Slight bug with 1 too many months fixed. - 12/27/99: Fixed small Y2K date problem |
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