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You can use the following buttons to link to Matt's Script Archive. Simply cut and paste the code that follows the image you wish to link.

<a href="http://www.scriptarchive.com/"><img src="http://www.scriptarchive.com/images/msa_156x18a.gif" width=156 height=18 alt="Matt's Script Archive" border=1></a>

<a href="http://www.scriptarchive.com/"><img src="http://www.scriptarchive.com/images/msa_156x18b.gif" width=156 height=18 alt="Matt's Script Archive" border=1></a>
You can use the following miniature banner images to link to Matt's Script Archive. Simply cut and paste the code that follows the image you wish to link.

<a href="http://www.scriptarchive.com/"><img src="http://www.scriptarchive.com/images/msa_120x60A.gif" width=120 height=60 alt="Matt's Script Archive" border=0></a>
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